
We believe everyone regardless of ability level has the right to enjoy recreational opportunities and that is why Inclusion and Adaptive programs exist here at the Y.

Every individual deserves the opportunity to grow and thrive. We are driven to provide that opportunity for children and adults with disabilities.

Qualified volunteers and staff are trained to support and encourage each participant in these adaptive programs. We focus on participants’ needs, and strengths, and adapt the activities to ensure that everyone feels included!


Adapted Aquatics

Adapted Aquatics is designed to meet the needs of individuals with physical and/or cognitive disabilities. Whether a beginner is introduced to the water or a more familiar swimmer working on stroke development, all levels are welcome! Swimmers will work on aquatic skills one-on-one with an instructor, learning and having fun.


Fitness for All

Fitness for All assists individuals with physical and/or cognitive disabilities in the Wellness Center in becoming familiar with strength and conditioning by working out with a volunteer. It is designed to develop physical fitness, social interactions and keep participants active while having fun!


Adapted Gymnastics

Individuals with physical and/or cognitive disabilities can improve balance, coordination, and social skills all while having fun and working on overall physical fitness and strength in Adapted Gymnastics. This program will have a gymnastics instructor present to guide the class through skill development, inclusion volunteers to provide extra assistance to each participant, and will be sensory-friendly. All ability levels and backgrounds are welcome.


Miracle League Baseball

This program is accommodating and accepting to all ability levels -cognitive, developmental, or physical. These teams do not focus on the intent to win but rather focus on the enjoyment of everyone getting the chance to bat, play infield and outfield, and score runs. Games are played on a rubberized surface field that accommodates wheelchairs and other assisted devices. Players who require 1-on-1 assistance will need to notify the Recreation Therapist prior to the start date.


No Boundaries Summer Camp

Our accessible and barrier-free No Boundaries Camp offers activities ranging from sports and fitness, aquatics, music, arts and crafts, gymnastics, daily living skills, and so much more. Here at the Y, we recognize and celebrate the individual strengths, skills, and abilities that each of our participants shares with us. The goal is to provide opportunities for community integration and to build independent living skills, social skills, and communication skills and to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Inclusion at the Y


Action Track Chair